children and young people first
we believe All children and young people have the right to feel safe, valued, and able to participate. This is our commitment to the safety of children and young people.
We will treat everyone equally no matter where you are from, who you are, what your culture is, if you live with a disability, or what gender you identify with. We will respect and uphold your rights to privacy.
We will give you information about your physical, emotional, and online safety and what to do if you feel unsafe.
We will make sure that there are lots of ways for you to have your say and be involved. We will make sure that everyone feels included, welcome and safe.
We will listen and act on what you tell us. We will continue to get better at what we do. We will help you with your hopes and dreams as well as your worries and fears. We will respect your rights to make your own decisions for things that affect you.
We will make our place happy and comfortable for you. You can trust that we will care about your needs and feelings and will support you.
All of our employees, volunteers, students, and Board Directors are bound by the Home Base Code of Conduct. All employees, volunteers, students, and Board directors are trained in child safe practice, and we actively work to prevent child abuse and neglect within our services.
We have clear and detailed policies and procedures to respond to complaints and allegations of abuse. We will prioritise the safety, rights, and wellbeing of children and young people.
We will place the interests of children and young people experiencing harm or at risk of harm above the interests of any other individual or the organisation.
need to get in touch?
Children and young people are encouraged to speak up if they do not feel safe and respected, or their rights are not being valued. All feedback and concerns will be taken seriously and followed up appropriately and immediately.
You can contact us by:
us on 1800 955 700
us at info@homebasetas.org.au
our Feedback and Advice Form
To report any safety concerns or if you or if you know that someone is at risk of abuse or harm, please see the list of below contacts for help.
In an emergency or if someone is at immediate risk of harm, call 000 for the Police.
If you need non-urgent Police Assistance, please call 131 444.
Local support
Strong Families, Safe Kids, Advice and Referral Line, phone 1800 000 123
Tasmanian Sexual Assault Support Line, phone 1800 697 877
Family Violence Counselling and Support Services, phone 1800 608 122
Support Information Strength – Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander support, phone 1800 747 827
Lifeline, 24hr counselling, phone 131114
Kids Help Line, phone 1800 551 800
1800Respect, Domestic Violence support, phone 1800 737 732
Suicide Call Back Service, phone 1300 659 467
want to know more?
If you need to know more or are interested in reading our governing policies and procedures, please find them below: