housing with home base

10% of Tasmanian youth have experienced homelessness in the past 12 months. 

We want that to change - couch surfing is not housing. 

If you’re experiencing a housing crisis or homelessness, we can help with a range of housing and support programs.  

Everyone needs a safe and stable place to call home.  

We’re here to help and will work with you to find the best support. You can call us at 1800 955 700 or drop by anytime during the week between the hours of 9 and 5 at Level 1, 175 Collins Street, Hobart.

Everyone’s situation is different – we’ll listen to you and plan the right support together.  We have a few ways to support you, and we also know about other services that might help. 

Below are some of our programs, but we’ll review your options when we chat. 

aRE you a young person currently experiencing or at risk of homelessness?

Colville Place

Do you need emergency accommodation?

Colville Place offers 24-hour supported accommodation for young people aged 12-15 who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. 

To speak with someone at Colville Place now, please call 1800 931 686.

Mara House

Are you a young woman who needs temporary housing?

Our 24-hour supported housing is for young women aged 13-20 who are experiencing homelessness or are at risk of becoming homeless. 

Need help? Please call Mara House on 03 6231 2782.


Need help paying the rent?

Whether you're already living somewhere or looking to move in with friends, we can help you cover the costs. 

Our JumpStart program can give you up to $50 weekly to make renting more affordable. 


Are you between 12- 18 and thinking about leaving home or already have?

Our Reconnect program is here to help.

We support young people and families to strengthen relationships with family, school and the community.

Other support available

Here are some other places that can help you or someone you care about: 

Housing Connect

If you’re homeless or need help with housing, Housing Connect is the place to go. They can help you with emergency accommodation or finding a long-term home. 

Housing Connect is now run by Anglicare. Call 1800 800 588 for help, or visit their new office at 159 Collins Street between 9am and 5pm M-F

Safe Night Space

If you’re sleeping rough in Hobart, Safe Night Space is a safe place you can go. 

Open 8 pm to 7 am, 7 days a week, this space offers shelter, rest, and links to services like Housing Connect, mental health and alcohol and drug support. 

Hobart City Mission run Safe Night Space; access is by referral only. Please speak with your Housing Connect Case Manager or call Housing Connect on 1800 800 588.

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